
If you’re considering dental veneers, you may have come across one (or more) dental veneer myths when doing your research. Unfortunately, these factual inaccuracies can create confusion and prevent people from making informed decisions about their dental treatments. In this guide, we debunk five common dental veneer myths so that you can make the best choice for your oral health.

What are Dental Veneers?

Firstly, let’s give a brief overview of dental veneers. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are designed to cover the front surface of teeth, improving their appearance and addressing a variety of dental issues. Veneers are made from materials like porcelain or composite resin, and they can last for many years with proper care.

Dental Veneer Myth 1 – Veneers are only for cosmetic purposes

While veneers can certainly enhance the appearance of your teeth, they can also be beneficial to the function of your mouth as well as your overall health. For example, they can protect and reinforce weakened teeth, correct misalignments, and improve bite function. Dentists may recommend veneers for non-cosmetic reasons, such as protecting a cracked or chipped tooth from further damage or addressing issues like tooth sensitivity caused by enamel erosion.


Dental Veneer Myth 2 – Veneers require extensive tooth removal

Contrary to this common dental veneer myth, the tooth preparation required for veneers is minimal. When you visit a skilled dentist who has been properly trained in applying veneers, you will only have a small amount of enamel removed. The majority of the tooth’s structure will remain in tact. This minimally invasive approach helps to preserve the natural tooth structure and reduce the likelihood of complications.


Dental Veneer Myth 3 – Veneers are easily damaged and not long-lasting

Dental veneers, particularly those made from porcelain, are known for their durability and strength. With proper care and maintenance, veneers can last for many years, often ranging from 10-20 years or more. Oral hygiene, diet and dental habits can affect the longevity of veneers, but overall, they are a reliable and long-lasting solution for many dental concerns.


Dental Veneer Myth 4 – Veneers look fake and unnatural

Advancements in dental materials and techniques have made it possible to create natural-looking veneers that blend seamlessly with the patient’s natural teeth. Customisation options, such as matching the colour, shape, and translucency of the veneer to the surrounding teeth, help to create a natural and harmonious appearance. Skilled dental professionals can also sculpt and shape the veneers to mimic the subtle nuances of natural teeth, further enhancing their aesthetic appeal.


Dental Veneer Myth 5 – Veneers are only for the “rich and famous”

The misconception that veneers are too expensive for the average person is unfounded. While it’s true that veneers were once considered a luxury treatment, the range of veneer options and their varying costs have made them more accessible to a wider audience. It’s also worth considering the long-term investment aspect of veneers. By improving oral health and aesthetics, veneers can save you money on future dental treatments and enhance your overall quality of life.

Answering Your Questions About Dental Veneers

Is there a downside to veneers?

While veneers can greatly improve the appearance of your teeth, there are some downsides to consider. They require minor removal of natural tooth enamel, meaning they are not reversible. Veneers may also need to be replaced after 10-20 years if you experience chipping or cracking.

Are veneers basically fake teeth?

Veneers are not exactly fake teeth; they are thin shells made from porcelain or composite material that are bonded to the front surface of your natural teeth. They are used to improve the appearance of teeth that are stained, chipped, or misaligned.

Is getting veneers a good idea?

Getting veneers can be a good idea if you’re looking to improve the appearance of your teeth and have tried other cosmetic options without success. However, it’s important to consider the cost, potential risks, and the fact that the procedure is irreversible before making your decision.

Do veneers ever look real?

Yes, high-quality porcelain veneers can look very natural and mimic the appearance of real teeth. The skill of your dentist and the quality of the materials used play a significant role in achieving a realistic look.

Are veneers good or bad for your teeth?

Veneers are considered good for your teeth, as they can improve the appearance of your teeth, protect damaged teeth, and, in some cases, even prevent further damage.

What is the most common reason that veneer failure occurs?

A common cause of veneer failure is poor bonding between the veneer and the tooth surface. This can cause the veneer to fall off, chip, or crack. Other factors contributing to veneer failure may include poor tooth preparation, incorrect bite alignment, and using low-quality materials. To minimise the risk of failure, it’s crucial to choose an experienced and skilled dentist.

Dental Veneer Myths: Making an Informed Decision

Dental veneers are an excellent option if you’re looking to enhance the aesthetics of your smile and protect your teeth from staining and further decay. Be wary if you come across the above dental veneer myths, and remember to source all of your information from reputable dental clinics. If you have a question about dental veneers, get in touch with us to learn more about the treatment.

Kew Dentistry